Saturday, August 2, 2014

I want to go to England

posted by Georgie on Saturday, August 02, 2014
Dear Diary,

I watched Pride and Prejudice movie for the 20th time, and I am still captivated by the locations of this movie. I made a research and see what I found!

Pemberley (Chatsworth) exterior screen cap from P&P movie
Isn't it so beautiful? How I love to go here! This is the house of the master of Pemberly Mr. Darcy. It is the Chatworths House located in England.

Temple of Apollo
This is the temple of Apollo, where Mr. Darcy proposed and rejected by Ms Bennet.

Stanage Edge

Someday, I'm going to stand in this exact place where Keira Knightely is standing! 

Sherwood Forest
I'll be visiting this place too someday!

England is known not only for it's diverting cities such as London, but also for its breathtaking countyside - that is.. if you love nature.

I intend to visit England next year during Spring, or Summer. Who wants to come? :)

I hope you are a human my dearest loveliest diary, so you can go with me. But you won't answer my letter either. Anyway, at least, you're reading this silly letters.

Yours truly,

Signed, August 1, 2014


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